Sunday, June 25, 2006

click on june 2006 in the archives to see the latest posts - there are a few of them...

...oh's dads new board...pretty wild paint job

dad has asked me to thank you all for his fantastic birthday present, he has had a couple of surfs on it and he says it 'goes off' 'really holds thru the bottom turn' and 'absolutely hammers along in trim' whatever that means...I cant wait to get out there with him and show him how it's done... stay tuned there will be more updates promises he wont leave it as long next time...

and a couple more.

...more from sunny woolgoolga...

while i was there I learnt to stand up and mastered, what dad calls, my new 'scrunch face' smile...

...and now onto Woolgoolga...

mum and I went with granma to stay with michael and lorraine, aunty megan drove up from sydney and we had a great time... I saw great granma elsie as well while we were there...

...saying goodbye to aunty manda...hope we see you real soon

...gymbaroo with aunty manda and granma...

dads birthday lunch with the family

... i like 4 wheel drivin' and jammin...

takin' the bugaboo out for a bit of offroad action and back home jammin with dad...

...and some more...

more from dads birthday week, going out for luch at bigmouth, going out to lunch at the botanical, walking thru the gardens, generally just socialising...

...more pics...

here a few of dads birthday, me meeting auntie manda in the flesh, me and the mothers group gang, and trying to work out how to open the fridge

finally dad gets round to my blog

apologies to all my fans for the absence of blog updates – its been a while (not really an excuse though) - what with mothers day, dad's birthday, auntie manda's surprise visit, mum and my trip to woolgoolga I've been a pretty busy little bub.

so sit back and have a look at what's been going on....